Top Ten Tuesday-Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish

ttt pug

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic: Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish. At first glance, I didn’t think I’d have much to say on this topic. I’m a big DNF-er, but I don’t usually drop a series if I read the whole first book. HAHAHAHA my Goodreads account had a different story. 20 pages of unfinished series, to be exact. So here we are, the top ten series I’ll never finish.

caster chronicles

1.The Beautiful Creatures Series, by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. I wanted SO MUCH to like these. The covers are so pretty! They sound amazing! I love both of these authors on their own! But something about these just…doesn’t work for me. I struggled through the first two before quitting.


2. The Sweep Series, by Cate Tieran. DO NOT BE FOOLED INTO THINKING THIS SERIES IS ONLY 5 BOOKS LONG. Each of these is an omnibus of THREE books. There are 15, you guys. My Goodreads account claims that I read the first 4 of these omnibus’, but I find this hard to believe as I remember nothing past the first two books. I wanted to like these because my friend was a big fan and I liked these covers a lot, but…no.


3. The Chemical Garden, by Lauren DeStefano. I was super into the idea of these, read the first one, bought the second two, and then…stopped immediately and never looked back.

lorien legacies

4. The Lorien Legacies, by Pittacus Lore. I greatly enjoyed the first of this series, I Am Number Four. I read it a few times, and each time it became slightly less interesting. I read the next two in the series, and then lost interest.


5. The Fallen Series, by Lauren Kate. I was lured into this by title names and pretty covers, even though I have never seen even a single decent review. I read the first two, only because I was on a flight and they were the only books I had with me at the time.


6. The Remnant Chronicles, by Mary E. Pearson. Another one I wanted desperately to like. It has GLOWING reviews, it sounds SO interested, and it’s written SO creatively. I read and enjoyed the first book, but…I wasn’t at all compelled to continue the series. I just wasn’t invested.

snow like ashes

7. Snow Like Ashes Series, by Sara Raasch. I read the first one and remembered enjoying it, so when the second book released, I went to reread the first one again. AND OMG SO BORING. Was it always this boring? Did it get more boring? Was Mather always this awful? Whatever, I’m out.


8. The Graceling Realm, by Kristin Cashore. Every fantasy fan loves this series, and I thought I would, too. It sounded right up my ally. I read the first book and it wasn’t bad, but…I didn’t enjoy it enough to continue.

dark caravan

9. The Dark Caravan Cycle, by Heather Demetrios. I adore Heather’s contemporaries, and I did really like the first book in her urban fantasy series. Things started to really go downhill for me in the second book though, and I struggled to finish it. No plans to read the last one.

falling kingdoms

10. Falling Kingdoms Series, by Morgan Rhodes. I have no one but myself to blame. I was warned heavily against this series. Even Goodreads warned me against it, with “Did Not Finish” being one of it’s top shelves for book 1. But the gorgeous covers and desire for a new fantasy series to lose myself in at the time won out, and I bought the entire series on a whim. Got through the first two, then quit.

Honorable Mention:

an ember in the ashes series

An Ember in the Ashes Series, by Sabaa Tahir. I loooved the first book in this series. 5 stars, book boyfriend, love square, multiple narrators, murder-y boarding school. I was totally in. The second book just got…weird. Really weird at the end. I decided I was done. Not going to pick up the third or fourth book, not going to finish the series. But then I started blogging, and EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT REAPER AT THE GATES. So now I don’t know. Am I really done? Am I just caught up in the hype? Should I give it another chance? TELL ME WHAT TO DO!


21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday-Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish

  1. Cailin says:

    I has a similar reaction to the end of Torch Against the Night. I was so into the charcaters and the books and then that twist just didn’t really settle right with me. I’m still going to read the third book just to see if it redeems itself though. You never know.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. karenjo46 says:

    I have some of these series too and I’ve even bought a few books in each of them, but I haven’t had the urge to start any of them. And I get totally lured by gorgeous covers too.. that’s one of my biggest weakest haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Patricia @ Bookish Geek says:

    I didn’t do this week’s TTT because I was proctoring student tests all week but I could basically just copy/paste your list. Surprising no one.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. J.W. Martin says:

    The Lorien Legacies were kind of tough to stick to around the middle. I think the Fall of Five is where it really dug in for me, and got me through until the end.

    Not sure if I’m going to go in for the new Pittacus Lore series or not…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sarah E. (@sjanee11) says:

    I’ve put down (forever) Beautiful Creatures, Lorean Legacies, and Fallen. Beautiful Creatures got more boring for me as I read more. I think I DNF’d the third book. I’ve only read the first books in Lorean Legacies and Fallen. I Am Number Four was okay. Fallen was really tropey and poorly written imo.


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