Blogmas Day 17: Christmas Songs Book Tag

blogmas 17

We all love Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for her tireless work at Top Ten Tuesday and #TBTBSanta, but she also has this amazing Christmas Songs Book Tag that she started a few years ago!

If you decide to try this one, hop over to Jana’s blog and leave a link to your tag on her Linky so she can come visit you (and let me know too, so I can come see your answers!)

To make this easier on myself, I’m containing my answers to books from 2018 only, but you can do whatever you want!

1. “All I Want for Christmas Is You”: Favorite bookish couple.
Zorrie and Lennon from Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett. This was Jana’s answer, but it’s pretty perfect so I’m keeping it. The only other possible couple I can think of is Molly and Gabe from 9 Days & 9 Nights by Katie Cotugno.

2. “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”: Name a book where a character is away from home (school, vacation, etc.).
Mari The Other Side of Lost by Jessi Kirby is off hiking the John Muir trail for the majority of the book, so she’s not home for much!

3. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”: Name your favorite “little” book (children’s book, short story, novella, etc.).
I didn’t like it, but The Rules of Rebellion by Amity Hope was only 150 pages, so.

4. “Santa Claus is Coming to Town“: What book(s) do you hope Santa brings you this year?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–I’ve needed an ARC of Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston for years someone help ya girl out.

5. “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”: Which book turned your nose red (made you cry)?
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas made me cry several times. It’s a really epic finale!

6. “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”: Your favorite book/kind of book to read during the holidays.
I love to read Christmas books, but I haven’t read any this year!

7. “We Three Kings”: Your favorite trilogy.
The 3rd book of The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff came out this year, and I loooove this trilogy!

8. “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow”: A character you would love to be snowed in with.
Ah, from my favorite Goodreads shelf, “Bookish Boyfriends”–let’s go withhhh…okay I’ll pick someone age appropriate for once. Gavin from Blind Kiss by Renee Carlino.

9. “Last Christmas”: A book that seriously let you down.
And from my “I had high hopes for this one” shelf, Surviving Adam Meade by Shannon Klare. This one just didn’t do it for me. I took real issue with what a dick Adam Meade was. I’m over this whole boys treating girls like shit because they’ve been hurt, or because they secretly like them, or because LITERALLY ANY REASON EVER IT’S NOT OKAY.

10. “White Christmas”: An upcoming release you’re dreaming about.
There are SO many 2019’s I’m dreaming of, but this feels like a good time to mention that I’m running my first giveaway over on Twitter! You have until noon PST this Wednesday, 12/19 to follow/RT so I can get Our Year of Maybe (check out my review if you’re wondering what it’s about) by Rachel Lynn Solomon sent out before the holidays! If the Twitter link doesn’t work, you can find my account on the sidebar, or just search me in Twitter under @kjrogers3

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