How to Create a Book Nook

Today we have a very special guest post from Stacy at Seige Media, talking about book nooks! I have always wanted a book nook of my own, especially when I was a kid. I settled instead for reading on my swingset or curled in my bed but a homemade book nook really would have hit the spot!

So without further ado, read on for tips to create one for the kids in your life–or yourself!

Whether you have a child at home or simply a niece or nephew who frequently visits (like my nephews, Dexter and Waylen!), there are many benefits of creating a family-friendly reading nook for both adults and kiddos! 

Benefits of a Reading Nook

A reading nook encourages children to feel empowered to be both creative and comfortable as they have a space they can call their own. Reading stories can be impactful as it can help develop a child’s brain, hone their ability to focus, and cultivate communication skills. Reading together can also help you build your relationship with your child as you unpack events that happen in books and compare them to real life. 

How to Create a Book Nook

There are a few key steps in creating a kid-friendly reading nook.

Find the Perfect Spot 

Finding the perfect spot in your home might seem like an easy task, but in a small apartment, it can be more difficult than you think. Remember that kids don’t need too much space and any corner or seated area will do–just don’t forget to add a place for them to kick up their feet or set down a hot drink or tea.

Keep it Creative

Since this space is geared at kids, make sure it is filled with fun colors and decorations. Adding simple elements like pillows or throws that are orange blue or pink helps boost their imagination as these colors have been shown to stimulate their creative thinking abilities and promote openness and focus.

Personalize the Space

A great way to make your child’s book nook feel like theirs is to let them decorate it. Displaying your child’s artwork around the home and in their space helps them see their creativity in a new light.

To help you create a kid-friendly book nook of your own, the folks at Zolo created the ultimate guide packed with ideas and inspiration. They also provided coloring sheet printables, reading challenges and reading nook decor ideas to ensure your space is safe and fun!

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